

Sponsored Orphans


Business for Needy


Qamar Care Cards

What We Do

The Area of Our Work

We’re dedicated to serving the most vulnerable people across Afghanistan by addressing the root causes of poverty and empowering communities. From addressing short-term needs to tackling long term issues, Qamar works to alleviate poverty through a range of varied and important areas.


under orphan relief, we have an orphanage, orphans’ monthly sponsorship, and a school in Parwan Province.

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Donation Total: $10.42 One Time



150 plus orphans are receiving complete support from Qamar and we have also signed MOUs with international and local universities.

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The current exchange rate is 1.00 EUR equals 1.04 USD.
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Donation Total: $104.21 One Time


Qamar is in the frontline for natural disasters and emergency humanitarian aid. we also provide sustainable solutions to needy families.

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The current exchange rate is 1.00 EUR equals 1.04 USD.
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Donation Total: $104.21 One Time


Considering local needs, we have created a different innovative initiative to serve communities and tackle the grassroots of poverty.

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The current exchange rate is 1.00 EUR equals 1.04 USD.
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Donation Total: $104.21 One Time

Clean Drinking Water

Provide clean drinking water by building a well with your name or that who you loved one more. It costs just $1000 to build a well in a needy community.

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The current exchange rate is 1.00 EUR equals 1.04 USD.
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Donation Total: $104.21 One Time


Qamar is in the process of establishing an orphanage for orphans and children who are suffering from the loss of family members and extreme poverty.

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The current exchange rate is 1.00 EUR equals 1.04 USD.
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This is a secure SSL encrypted payment.

Donation Total: $104.21 One Time

About Organization

Qamar Foundation

Qamar Foundation is a registered non-profit organization in Afghanistan (Reg No. 7) and the UK (Reg No. 1150141). We are dedicated to providing essential humanitarian assistance to those who are most in need. Our team is driven by a deep commitment to equality and justice, fueled by a strong desire to save lives.

Qamar Charity Foundation is working hard on different fronts to improve lives and community standards.

Our Values

We aim to hold ourselves accountable for our actions before we are held accountable by others and God.

Our Mission

No one should go without food, water, shelter, good health, and education.

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Qamar Foundation
Asalamuallikum Warahmatullah. How can we help you today? In Sha Allah