Winter Appeal: Qamar Foundation Provides Food Packs for 300 Families in Nangarhar

Nangarhar, Jan 2024 – Qamar Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to serving communities in need, has successfully distributed winter appeal food packs to 300 families in Nangarhar province. The initiative aims to provide essential food items to vulnerable families during the harsh winter months.

The winter packs, meticulously prepared by the foundation’s dedicated team, consist of various nutritious items including flour, oil, sugar, beans, and other essential eating materials. These provisions are vital for families facing economic hardships, ensuring they have access to nourishing meals throughout winter.

Recognizing the challenges faced by families in Nangarhar province, particularly during the cold winter months, the Qamar Foundation took a proactive approach to alleviate their difficulties. By providing these food packs, the foundation aims to bring warmth, comfort, and relief to those who need it the most.

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