Sustainable Farming Initiative
acres of land completed
acres of land under-construction
acres of land urgently needed
acres of land registered
Qamar Foundation's Rebuilding Afghanistan
Afghanistan’s agro-economy is the primary driver of the country’s economy, with livestock being the main source of income for thousands of families. The Qamar Foundation recognizes the importance of agriculture and has established a Sustainable Farming Initiative to invest in Afghanistan’s agricultural industry and increase the production of Afghan products and services.
The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said:
“The most beloved deed to Allah is to make a Muslim happy or remove one of his troubles.”
(Ṭabarānī 6026)
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– Provide sustainable solutions to drive the transition to defensible, resilient livelihoods for small-scale food producers
– Improve the livelihoods of Afghan farmers by creating new jobs and income-earning opportunities.
– Boost farmers’ earnings by getting their products to markets
– Develop the national farming sector to raise its productive capacity
Current Projects:
– Over 800 acres of agricultural land, with 150 acres planted using water-efficient drip irrigation systems (1,200 plants for fruit production)
– Multiple greenhouses with over 15,000 seedlings for vegetable production
– Investment of 80 million Afghanis to date
Direct Bank transfer:
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Qamar Foundation
Sort code 40-09-10
Account number 51464809
IBAN: GB42HBUK40091051464809 Branch Identifier code: HBUKGB4117M
Azizi Bank Accounts in Afghanistan:
USD Account No. 007801200705578
Bank: Aziz Bank
AFN Account No. 007801100703405
Details for Western Union and MoneyGram Transfer:
Address: Kabul, Afghanistan
Contact: +93 77 722 2178