This Ramadan, Qamar Foundation recently provided 250 families (1750 individuals) and now is planning to reach over 5,000 families benefiting over 35,000 people to cherish the spirit of Ramadan.

Ramadan Kareem from Qamar Foundation!

As the blessed month of Ramadan draws near, we find ourselves reflecting on the true essence of this sacred time – a period of spiritual renewal, compassion, and unity. It is during this month that we are reminded of the importance of supporting those in need and alleviating the burdens of our fellow brothers and sisters.

One of the most fundamental needs during Ramadan is access to nourishing food, which allows families to break their fasts with dignity and comfort. Unfortunately, many households in Afghanistan face the harsh reality of food insecurity, making it a constant struggle to put a meal on the table, let alone celebrate the joys of this holy month.

Last year, through the unwavering support of our generous donors, we were able to distribute essential food packs to 250 families, benefiting over 1,750 individuals. These packs contained a variety of staple items, carefully selected to meet the dietary requirements of each community. The relief and gratitude on the faces of those who received these packs was a humbling reminder of the impact that a simple act of kindness can have.

This year, we have set an ambitious goal of distributing over 5,000 food packs, with the aim of reaching families across various regions of Afghanistan. Our dedicated team is working tirelessly to ensure that these packs are not just a collection of items, but a symbol of hope and solidarity – a tangible reminder that they are not alone in their struggles.

However, this noble endeavor cannot be achieved without the support of our compassionate donors. Your contributions will not only provide sustenance but also offer a sense of dignity and joy to families during this sacred month. Your act of generosity will be a source of Sadaqah as you will be instrumental in alleviating hunger and promoting the spirit of unity and compassion.

Together, let us embrace the true spirit of Ramadan by extending a helping hand to those in need. Your support can make a profound difference in the lives of countless families, allowing them to observe this holy month with peace of mind, gratitude, and a sense of belonging to a community that cares.

Wishing you a blessed Ramadan Kareem, filled with spiritual enlightenment and acts of kindness.

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Qamar Foundation
Asalamuallikum Warahmatullah. How can we help you today? In Sha Allah