Zakat Al-Fitr (Fitrana)

Zakat al-Fitr (fitrana) is a charity given to the poor at the end of the fasting month of Ramadan.

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The current exchange rate is 1.00 EUR equals 0.83 GBP.
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Donation Total: £83.07 One Time


In Ramadan, if a person is unable to fast because he is elderly or sick with no...

Your country is <b>United Kingdom</b> so currency auto changed to <b>Pounds Sterling</b>

The current exchange rate is 1.00 EUR equals 0.83 GBP.
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This is a secure SSL encrypted payment.

Donation Total: £83.07 One Time

Sadaqah Jariyah

Your Sadaqah Jariyah could help many deserving people change their...

Your country is <b>United Kingdom</b> so currency auto changed to <b>Pounds Sterling</b>

The current exchange rate is 1.00 EUR equals 0.83 GBP.
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Donation Total: £83.07 One Time

Islamic Will

If you die without leaving a will you are deemed to have died ‘intestate’...


Crisis Aid’s Aqiqah pack comprises the sacrifice of one (for a girl) or two...

Your country is <b>United Kingdom</b> so currency auto changed to <b>Pounds Sterling</b>

The current exchange rate is 1.00 EUR equals 0.83 GBP.
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Donation Total: £83.07 One Time


Kaffarah means “what is paid to redress an imbalance or to compensate for...

Your country is <b>United Kingdom</b> so currency auto changed to <b>Pounds Sterling</b>

The current exchange rate is 1.00 EUR equals 0.83 GBP.
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This is a secure SSL encrypted payment.

Donation Total: £83.07 One Time

Interest Money

Any transaction or loan where the payment of an additional amount on the...


Waqf means putting aside the original property and donating its...

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