Aqiqah – Fulfil your obligation by Crisis Aid

Crisis Aid’s Aqiqah pack comprises the sacrifice of one (for girl) or two (for boy) Aqiqah animals and meat distributed to the poor and orphans. £10 also is given in sadaqah to the poor, at the market price of silver, this easily covers the value equal to the weight in silver of your child’s hair. Aqiqah is performed within 2 days.

What is Aqiqah?

Aqiqah, an Islamic terminology, is defined as the animal that is slaughtered on the occasion of the child’s birth.

“For the child, there should be Aqiqah. On behalf of the child make the sacrifice and remove the hair.” Hadith (Bukhari)

When should Aqiqah be performed?

The preferable time is the seventh day after the child’s birth. If this has not been done on the required day then it should be done as soon as possible without delay.

What is the Purpose of Aqiqah?

The performance is highly encouraged. It is to be performed by the parents or the guardians of the child. Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and his companions used to perform Aqiqah when they were bestowed with a newborn. There are many benefits to the performance.

One is announcing the birth of the baby. Being bestowed with a child is a great blessing from the creator. Another purpose is inviting family members, neighbors, and friends to celebrate the blessed occasion. The poor should be included in the celebration by offering them food and meat.

Types of animals to be slaughtered

The following is a hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) where he advised should be a goat or sheep. Narrated Umm Kurz: The Prophet of Allah (peace be upon him) said: “Two sheep which resemble each other are to be sacrificed for a boy and one for a girl.” (Sunan Abu Dawood Book 15, No. 2830)

The condition of the animal

The condition of the animals is the same as the conditions for the animals in Qurbani. The animals to be slaughtered must be a goat, sheep, cows, or camels. For camels, it must be older than six years, for cows, the age must be older than three years and for goats and sheep, it must be older than two years.

The animals must not be as blind, sick, limp, or undernourished. The animals must be slaughtered in the appropriate humane way according to the shariah.

The Aqiqah Pack

The Crisis Aid Pack encompasses all these aspects and includes:

  • The sacrifice of one or two Aqiqah animals (depending on sex) is distributed to the poor and needy, including orphans and the elderly.
  • The value is equal to the weight in silver of your child’s hair is distributed to the needy as sadaqah. £10 is given in sadaqah which is more than enough.
  • Aqiqah is performed within 3 days.


Learn More About Zakat: Zakat Al-Fitr (Fitrana)