View our recent news and untold stories from and about the Afghan community we serve. Read their stories about how their lives have been impacted through Qamar support aid programs.
By supporting our mission, we can do so much more to change lives. Our blog gives you a closer look at the power of support, with a focus on how the Qamar Foundation helps Afghan people to break the poverty cycle and to bring sustainable changes to the lives of millions.


We support millions of Afghans every year to bring hope to their lives and make a real difference on the ground, and the people who are suffering. We’d like to share some of those stories with you.


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Why make an Islamic Will? Qamar Charity
Zakat Bank & Learn

Why make an Islamic Will? Qamar Charity

Why make an Islamic Will? Why make an Islamic Will? To fulfill an important religious duty. If you die without...
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What is Fidyah in Islam? – Qamar Charity
Zakat Bank & Learn

What is Fidyah in Islam? – Qamar Charity

What is Fidyah in Islam? - Qamar Charity What is Fidyah in Islam? - In Ramadan, if a person is...
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Since 2019, Qamar Foundation is on the ground and made a real difference in the lives of people who were suffering from poverty and hunger. Through implementing sustainable projects, we have been able to bring hope to the lives of people.

Zakat Bank & Learn

What is riba (interest)? Qamar Charity

What is riba (interest)? What is riba (interest)? - Any transaction or loan where the payment of an additional amount...
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Zakat Bank & Learn

Why make an Islamic Will? Qamar Charity

Zakat Bank & Learn

What is Fidyah in Islam? – Qamar Charity


Your Sadaqah Jariyah helps change their lives
Zakat Bank & Learn

Your Sadaqah Jariyah helps change their lives

Your Sadaqah Jariyah helps change their lives “If a person dies, then his good deeds stop except for three: a...
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What is Waqf in Islam?
Zakat Bank & Learn

What is Waqf in Islam?

What is Waqf in Islam? Waqf means putting aside the original property and donating its benefits for the sake of...
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What is riba (interest)? Qamar Charity
Zakat Bank & Learn

What is riba (interest)? Qamar Charity

What is riba (interest)? What is riba (interest)? - Any transaction or loan where the payment of an additional amount...
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Qamar Foundation
Asalamuallikum Warahmatullah. How can we help you today? In Sha Allah