Zero Hunger Program
Ending Hunger is at the core of our work. Through Qamar Zero Hunger Program, we are tackling poverty and improving the lives of local communities by providing food packs and undertaking a range of integrated skills and careers development programs amongst needy communities.
About Zero Hunger Project:
Zero Hunger is one of the sustainable projects of the Qamar Foundation aiming to support 200 zero economy and the most vulnerable families for ten consecutive months. The project is designed to help those who cannot afford their families’ expenses and are under an ill-poverty level but are willing to learn skills or careers to have a sustained income in the long term. Qamar Foundation provides the families an amazing opportunity that will open up new job and income-earning opportunities for poor families after almost 1 year of food support. This will boost the opportunity for the families to increase their earnings and find a job in the market after successfully emerging their skills or careers.
The Project Beneficiaries:
Our team has registered 200 most vulnerable families of which 1600 family members/beneficiaries are receiving food packs with Qamar sustainable solution programs. Through this project, they will no longer be living under the poverty line and will get out of an- ill lucky circle of poverty by benefiting our project.
This project is under conducting in five below provinces of Afghanistan:
• Kabul;
• Kandahar;
• Laghman;
• Nuristan; and
• Nangarhar.

Our Aim:
Qamar Foundation delivers this program for the eradication of extreme poverty and improves the community’s livelihood. The aim of this program is to support sustainability in Afghanistan and address the challenges of hunger and poverty and improve access to continued learning skills and careers.
Qamar Zero Hunger Project will continue the work and activities to maximize the outreach to more than 500 families on monthly basis in the future. This project is developed with the hope of long-term growth for communities all over Afghanistan.
We are providing the opportunity for needy families to learn the following skills and careers:
- Tailoring
- Car and Moto Mechanic Learning
- Metalworking
- Carpentry
- Computer Programs Studying
- English Language Learning
Who are eligible:
- Family households whose income is less than $3 per day.
- At least 70% of the families should be single-parent families headed by the mother/female guardian.
- At least 30% of the families should include one member that has disabilities.
- The children in the family must be at least 18 years of age or younger to learn skills or careers.