Winter Appeal: Help Us Bring Warmth and Hope
This winter, your kindness can make all the difference. By donating, you’re providing warmth, comfort, and relief to those in desperate need. Every contribution supplies essentials like blankets, food, and heating support to families and children who need it most.
Your support can bring comfort and hope to families struggling to stay warm. Donate today and help us deliver essential winter packs to those in need across Afghanistan. Every contribution makes a difference—let’s bring warmth and kindness to those who need it most.
Since 2019, Qamar Foundation has distributed thousands of winter packs across Afghanistan, bringing warmth and relief to countless families in need.
Winter Pack costs only $80 for a family:
“Whoever saves one life, it is as if he has saved the whole of mankind.” How many of us will be in need of rescue on the day of judgment? ALL of us!
The Prophetﷺ said: ‘The believer’s shade on the Day of Resurrection will be his charity.’ .
Each pack includes essential items such as warm blankets, winter clothing, heating fuel, and nutritious food supplies. By providing these basic necessities, we can alleviate the suffering of families who are struggling to survive the bitter cold.

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Winter Appeal Afghanistan - 2024
This year we are planning to help 5000 families in sha Allah and provide them winter pack which includes: Oil, Flour, Dall, Bean, Green Tea, Pea, Blankets, Wood Burner, Hygiene items for at least four months.
This distribution will take place in Kabul, Lugar, Paktya, Khost, Pakteka, Laghman, Nangarhar, Wardak, Panjshir, Kapesa, Parwan, Baghlan, Badakhsahan, Kunduz, Takhar, Samangan, Mazar, Sar Pool, Jozjan, Faryab, Ghor, Kandhar, Zabul, Orozgan.
Direct Bank transfer:
Direct bank transfer in UK
Qamar Foundation
Sort code 40-09-10
Account number 51464809
IBAN: GB42HBUK40091051464809 Branch Identifier code: HBUKGB4117M
Azizi Bank Accounts in Afghanistan:
USD Account No. 007801200705578
Bank: Aziz Bank
AFN Account No. 007801100703405
Details for Western Union and MoneyGram Transfer:
Address: Kabul, Afghanistan
Contact: +93 77 722 2178