Ramadhan Appeal distribution 2020

In the holy month of Ramadan, we distributed your Amanah (Trust) to 889 most needy families in the following provinces.

  • Kabul – 150 Families
  • Nangarhar – 113 Families
  • Kandahar – 416 Families
  • Laghman – 50 Families
  • Nooristan – 26 Families
  • Parwan – 40 Families
  • Faryab – 30 Families
  • Kunar – 52 Families
  • Nasireen project – 12 Families

The package included cash money, flour, rice, bean, sugar, soup, green tea, oil, powder &, etc. (you can see the items in the following pictures which were captured in Ramadan month). The package was prepared to fulfill the basic living needs of most needy families.

In the above-listed provinces, $57,719.00 was spent.

We had the distribution of cloth for Eid to orphans in the above-mentioned provinces as well.

May Allah the Almighty bless all the who donated generously to the Ramadan appeal. There are many families that needed your help.

If you want us to continue helping such families in crisis, please make one time or monthly donation to us.

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