Help us bring back baby Aliya to her family

Baby Aliya was sold for $500, we have tracked down the family and now we are on a mission to bring Aliya back to her family.

Bismillah! Asalamu Alikum, alhamdulillah we have located the Afghan baby that was sold for $500, the family lives in Herat, Afghanistan.

Considering the current situation in Afghanistan, 99.9% of the people are suffering, they are selling their children due to poverty & unable to provide food for them.

With your generosity and support, we will take over 5 families under our care who has sold their kids, we will bring back their children to them and provide them with the means of income.

Each family will cost $2000 to help them establish their small business. Please help us to help them. May Allah SWT reward you.

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Qamar Foundation
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